How to do a Brazilian or bikini wax?

First, prepare your skin. Gently (we really mean gently) exfoliate it to remove dead cells the day before Brazilian waxing to keep in-growns at bay.
Want easier waxing with the smoothest results? Make sure the hair is 1 cm long. It’s the ideal length. Trim it, if needed, but don't go shorter than 1 cm.
When it’s showtime, find a mirror (a hands-free one because you want both hands ready for this job) and get comfortable in front of it. You need to see what you’re doing.
The best position for a bikini or Brazilian wax is with your foot on a stool and the knee pointing outwards.
Take a moment to look at the direction of hair growth. For the bikini area, that’s inwards (towards the inner thigh) and downwards. That’s the direction you’ll have to apply the wax.
Make it a thin, even layer in a small patch. Start from the top and work inwards.
With your non-dominant hand, pull the skin taut at the base of the wax or strip.
With your other hand, remove the Stripless Wax or strip in one quick motion, keeping it close and parallel to the skin.
Always pull in against the direction of the hair growth and don’t pull it upwards. That’ll just irritate your skin.
Got a lot of wax left behind? You’re probably pulling too slowly. Not catching hair? Check the direction. Spread wax towards hair growth and remove against it. Try on a smaller section instead of removing too much hair at once.
The first Brazilian wax at home can get, well, a little hairy because the angles are strange. But with time, you’ll get the hang of which position of your hands works best, and it will get easier.
How to wax your upper lip, chin, and jawline?
You need to see what you’re doing. So, find a mirror (not one that you need to hold) and get comfortable in front of it.
Take a moment to check the direction of hair growth. On the face, it grows in a few different directions, so, it's best to wax in small sections.
Apply a thin layer of melted wax in the same direction of the growth. So, for example, to wax the upper lip - apply a thin, even layer of Honeybee wax along the lip line.
Place a strip over the wax (skip if you are using a Stripless Wax ) and press on it firmly.
Hold the skin taut by placing your non-dominant hand on the outer edge of your face.
Grab the base of the wax strip or Stripless Wax with your hand and remove it in a single, smooth stroke against the direction of hair growth.

How to wax arms and legs?

Prep your skin a day before you wax by exfoliating it. Just before you wax, make sure it is clean and dry. That means no moisturisers or oils.
Take a moment to check the direction of hair growth before you apply the wax, because it is normal for leg and arm hair to grow in more than one direction.
Spread a thin, even layer of Honeybee wax and apply the wax strip over the wax. Alternatively, use the Body Wax Strip in the same direction as your hair grows.
Rub the strip firmly with the heel of your hand to help it grip the hair.
Use your non-dominant hand to pull the skin taut at the base of the wax strip.
With the other hand, remove the wax strip in one quick and smooth motion. Make sure you pull against the direction of hair growth and keep your hand close and parallel to the skin (just don’t pull the strip upwards).
Use the Post-Wax Wipe or water to clean away any wax that’s overstayed its welcome. Now, admire your smooth wax job.
How to wax underarms?
Don’t be shy and let the hair grow. The best underarm waxing results happen when the hair is about 1 cm long.
Take a moment to check the direction of hair growth. For underarms, that’s typically in two directions – upwards and downwards.
Wax each section separately, and you’ll have more control.
When it’s showtime, lift your arm up above your head with your elbow bent backwards. This will pull the armpit skin taut, making it easier to wax.
Remember the two sections we mentioned? Apply a thin, even layer of Honeybee wax (or strip) to one of them, moving the spatula with the hair growth direction.
Pull the wax strip or Stripless Wax in a quick, smooth stroke against the direction of hair growth. Keep your hand close to your skin and don’t pull upwards. Remove the wax parallel to the skin.
Repeat the process with the other section, and there you have it. Soft, hair-free underarms for weeks. But don’t leave just yet.
Wipe away any residue with our Post-Wax Wipes or wash with water.